Fundamentally, the financial impacts of climate-related issues on an organization are driven by the specific climate-related risks and opportunities to which the organization is exposed and its strategic and risk management decisions on seizing those opportunities and managing those risks (i.e., through mitigation, transfer, acceptance, or control). Once an organization assesses its climate-related issues and determines its response to those issues, it can then consider actual and potential financial impacts on revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities, and capital and financing. We help organizations to outline the main climate-related risks (transition and physical) and opportunities should be considered as part of their strategic planning or risk management to determine potential financial implications.
In addition, we provide examples of climate-related risks and opportunities and their potential financial impacts.
We assist organizations in understanding which financial impacts are likely to be most relevant to them, providing a high-level overview of four areas—revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities, and capital and financing—where organizations in the financial sector and non-financial groups may be affected.
Ajudamos clientes a se protegerem contra efeitos climáticos adversos que impactam a performance financeira, ou interrompem, ou atrasam as operações de seus negócios. A proteção é desenvolvida de forma personalizada para a necessidade de cada cliente e pode ser estruturada na forma de seguro ou derivativos dependendo das limitações regulatórias da jurisdição em questão.
Desenvolvemos soluções para empresas e negócios de todos os setores expostos a riscos físicos (ex. eventos climáticos extremos) e de transição (ex. reputação, mercado, legal) e oportunidades (ex. eficiência de recursos, fontes de energia e mercados).
Essas soluções podem ainda melhorar o risco de crédito de nossos clientes favorecendo acesso novas formas de financiamento.
*Exemple for wind farms: hedge against underperformance (insurance or ART) against sub-par production.